01/ Cellars

The exhibit is situated in three cellar rooms originally meant for storing coal. In the first room visitors will be able to see how Kampa Island developed through historical maps and can learn about the rich history of Werich Villa.

The other rooms make up the “clay pit”, dedicated to the phenomenon of the Golem. Here children can pretend to be the Rabbi Loew and let their fantasy run wild as they create their own Golem out of modelling clay.

2/ Holanerium

The space is dedicated to the poet Vladimír Holan, who lived in the ground floor apartment of the vila. In a small room overlooking the romantic Devil´s Stream you can contemplate and be inspired.

Visitors can commemorate the work of this great poet by reading or listening and by the more courageous attemt to make their own poetry on a magnetic board.

03/ Permanent exhibit

This is primarily dedicated to the legacy of Jan Werich, Jiří Voskovec and the Liberated Theatre. But you can also find Werich’s post-war films and his works for children here, which visitors can learn about in an interactive exhibit on the 1st floor of the villa.

After examining the timeline with the important personalities of the villa, you can look at photographs with Werich and Voskovec from Václav Chochola while heading to this floor. An excerpt from A Night with Hamlet can be heard in the Holanerium and you can play with the words that flow along its walls, as if the artist himself were arranging them into verses.

You can delve into Werich’s world thanks to the carrousel with period photographs from Pavel Vácha and five of Jan Werich’s favourite recipes. A faithful reconstruction of two rooms of Werich’s flat offers a close-up view, as if Werich had just jumped out for a moment. How was food stored at the Werich’s, where there was always something delicious cooking? Take a look through the peephole into Werich’s pantry.

In the Liberated Theatre room, you can become Voskovec or Werich for a while and only the biggest fans will get all the questions in the new interactive quiz with lines from their films.

Bring the Golem to life with the shem and listen to the story that will take you through the history of the creation of this figure through the paths of four elements.

04/ Attic - Vladimír Holan Hall

We implement the accompanying cultural programme in the attic, which we dedicated to the poet
Holan. Since all of the inhabitants of the villa were known for their distinctive work with words, the
word became the basic pillar of the dramaturgy. Thus you can come to Holan’s hall for book readings,
theatre presentations, concerts and even less common formats such as stand-up comedy and slam
poetry. We also invite children from preschools and elementary and high school students to the attic
for a rich programme. Private social events are also held here. You can find a complete schedule on
our web pages.
Nevertheless, something of Werich’s awaits you in the attic, as well. A painted cupboard from the
cottage in Velhartice is on loan to us from Mrs Zdena Hulik, Mr Werich’s granddaughter. When we
opened it, a box with 4 colourful fishhooks awaited us. They can now be seen in the exhibit.

05/ Garden

The enclosed part of the Werich Villa garden is situated on the banks of the romantic Devil’s Stream. The rest of the original garden was freely connected to Kampa Park so that Werich Villa would be more open to its visitors.

We welcome you here for film screenings in the summer months and theatre presentations, for example, or for garden parties or weddings. Yoga is regularly practiced here in the summer months.

It is possible for the visitors to the permanent exhibition to spend some time here in relaxation and contemplation in a romantic environment in the very heart of Prague.

If you are interested in leasing the spaces or putting on any of the offered events, please contact us at pronajmy@werichovavila.cz.

06/ Museum Shop

In addition to tickets for the permanent exhibition, it is also possible to buy tickets to the workshops relating to the exhibition as well as to other events held by Werich Villa.

In our museum shop on the ground floor of the villa it is possible to get tourist stamps and stickers, other souvenirs and memorabilia, gift vouchers for free entry, and even picnic blankets and baskets, and much, much more.

07/ Club zone

A pleasant spot on the ground floor of Werich Villa to stop and relax for a while with a good cup of coffee or some cake.

But our club zone can also be transformed into a space suitable for book readings, poetry recitals, lectures or discussions on all kinds of themes.

Photos from the Villa